Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Friday, August 5, 2011

Extreme Makeover:Home Edition

They're here!!!! In Kansas!!! And just down the road from me!!! I have been enjoying all things Extreme this week. One of my BFF's Katie and I volunteered over night one night. Such a neat and exciting experience. My son is totally impressed that his mom helped build a house.

I haven't had the chance to hang out with Ty but another one of my BFF's Jessica has!
I did get the chance to Interview the Senior Producer of the show Diane Korman before the family was surprised. You can listen to it here.

I also got a quick chat with Paul DiMeo

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The family is a very deserving family. I do not know them personally...but the dad served in Iraq and know suffers with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...he's spent the last year away from his wife and kids receiving treatment for this disorder. My eyes have been opened so much more on PTSD over the last 5 days. We CANNOT thank our veterans enough for the sacrifices they make for the rest of us!!!! God Bless America!!!

I will be proudly wearing my blue shirt tomorrow yelling "Move That Bus"!!! Look for our episode to air in October!