Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just Some Randoms

First of all thank you to all of those who commented and sent prayers and well wishes on my last post about my miscarriage. I really appreciated all of the kind words and I've been there's. Being able to type that post really did help me realize how I was feeling. So again thank you.

Now on to the Randoms

This past week Dalton's pre-school had school pictures so I was in "town" and only had a few minutes to spare and decided I just run into Kohl's and pick him up a new shirt. Easy right? Not!!! Not sure if it was because the change of the season but the ONLY 3T boys shirt they had was a graphic t-shirt with like footballs or trucks on it. Not a one nice trendy shirt for him to wear. I already get mad at clothing stores and the lack of boys clothing without spongebob or cars or dirt bikes or tractors all over them...but come on Kohl's this was very disappointing!!!

I am getting remotivated to teach aerobics again. I've been in kind of a level playing field for a few months...but tonight thanks to my friend Jenny I've remembered the fun of coming up with new stuff in my living room with no one else around just me and my equipment. I've also realized how much I really miss working out 5 days a week. I haven't done that since Dalton was first born..I need to find the time to do that again.

I really need to teach my son how to blow his nose. I'm just not having any luck and the poor kid has his mom's fall allergy problems and has been a sneezing sniffling mess this week.

Next week is Rocky and I's 5th wedding anniversary any ideas on what I should get him. I'm at a loss. We were supposed to be going to see AC/DC the night before but the concert has been postponed :( It's only our second time seeing them this year.

Well that's all folks...I have a hot bath calling my name.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not the post I wanted to write...

The post I wanted to write today said "Guess what I'm Pregnant and I heard my baby's heartbeat today"!!! But instead the post I'm writing today is...I was pregnant and today was the day I SHOULD have heard my baby's heartbeat. Three weeks ago I lost the second baby I've been desperately waiting to have. The baby I had already told ALL of my family and most of my closest friends about because I'd already had one healthy pregnancy with zero problems...so this one would be just like it. The baby that I had already told my 3 1/2 year old son and that he'd asked me everyday since I told him when I was going to get that baby out of my belly.

I know this is a pretty private topic and maybe I shouldn't be writing about it But I am. Why? Because I didn't realize before I had my miscarriage that sooooooooo many women like 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. It wasn't until we went through this did I know that so many of my friends and acquaintances had had a miscarriage or two or three or seven of their own. Now just because is so common doesn't make it easier to deal with...it just lets you know you're not alone...and it IS nice having people around you who understand what you're dealing with. This is just to say...yes I've been there and I get it!!

I'm healing physically and emotionally. Rocky has been an awesome support system and at times I caught myself forgetting that he was going through the same thing as me just not physically. He is very aprehensive about trying to get pregnant again. But I know God has a plan for our family and if it's meant to be it WILL happen again.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hey what's for dinner?

I have been holding back from you guys. Last night it donned on me why haven't I blogged about this. Duh! Sometimes it takes me a minute. Ya'll know that I work at a radio station. About um 5 weeks ago I started this segment on my show "Out to lunch with Tiffany" called "Tiff's Tasty Treats". I've been posting different recipes Monday through Thursday on our website for people to be able to check out and print off. So if you're looking for something new for dinner check it out!!! Tiff's Tasty Treats

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

On my way to 100

I am really trying to get to 100 posts on this here blog before the end of 2009. Should be easy right? Not at the speed I've been posting lately...this here post is #82 so we'll see how this goes!!!

Vacation Update...we had a fabulous time! It was better than I could have asked for. We completly wore out Dalton.

In Marvel Cave...Dalton describes as "soooo scary"

Hope you all had a great weekend! This weekend will be filled with our towns huge car show. It's huge for us anyway. We're expecting about 2000 1972 and older vehicles. We'll take our '75 Road Runner to Friday nights open cruise night.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Reservation confirmation...

Ok so here's the deal next Friday we're taking our family vacation...Dalton's first vacation to Branson. We did the whole priceline.com experience and bid on and 3 1/2 star hotel for just 49 dollars a night. Today I got the itch to just look at the hotel again...you know getting excited about being out of town for a whole weekend with just the boys and me...(get back on track Tiff) when I started reading the comments people had left. I'm seriously questioning what I've done. There are more negative comments about dirty facilities than there is about a great family atmosphere :( So I'm begging has anyone stayed at the Radission in Branson? Is it nice? Is it really worthy of the 3 1/2 stars? Should I start scrambling to get out of the reservation?

While we're there we're hitting Silver Dollar City. I'm excited I haven't been there since I was a wittle wittle gurl :) Rocky's been there more recently than me. I really desperatley want to take Dalton to Dixie Stampede too but I still have to talk Daddy into that!!!

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm done...

...talking about Twilight until New Moon comes out in November! I'm thinking of putting a countdown ticker on my top bar or something :) Loved every book! Loved the ending! But honestly Stephanie Meyer I can really see more to the story so please please don't hold back. I have talked one of my bestest friends into reading she is starting this week. I hope it's as addicting as for her as it was for me. Like honestly I'm having withdrawls. I bought the soundtrack and i can't stop playing it over and over. I Especially love the Robert Pattinson song...Never Think

Isn't his voice sexy? Ah :) Ok must get back to work...but again I do promise to blog about something other than Twilight soon. I have been lost in it for over two weeks now and this week we had something extremely hard to go through as a family. I'm considering blogging about it...but then again I don't know...it could be too personal but it is MY blog I guess and it might help the healing so we shall see. Have a great weekend...I get 3.5 days with my wonderful boys and I'm totally excited about that!