Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Birth Story...Princess Sophie Lyn

On Monday, August 9th at 4:46 p.m. we became a family of four and Rocky and I became the parents of the most beautiful little girl Sophie Lyn Evans. 5 lbs 11 oz 20 inches long.

So...Sunday August 8th I hit that 37 week mark in my pregnancy...I had Dalton at 37 weeks exactly so I made sure we were all ready to meet our new little bundle of joy. That night when we went to bed I told Rocky I had this feeling I should have probably shaved my legs to which his reply was something like quit thinking about going into labor your gonna cause yourself to have this baby.

Monday 8-9-10 at 5:30 in the morning I guess I had thought myself into labor cause my water broke. I wasn't feeling any contractions yet so I showered...Rocky's folks came in and got Dalton and we arrived at the hospital at around 6:30. Still not really feeling and contractions the nurse checked me and I was only dilated to a 1 1/2. This was not what I was hoping for...you see when I got to the hospital to have Dalton I was already a 7!!! Rocky and I spent the morning walking the halls...sitting on the birthing ball and the contractions were increasing but still not very regular and not really all that painful...just uncomfortable. When the nurse checked me at noon I was at a.....2!!!! So my doctor decided we should probably start some pitocin and get things moving...and boy did they move...contractions started coming fast and furious at that point...I tried to stay as strong as possible and only used a little pain medication in my IV that wore off after an hour...which relaxed my body enough to let me get fully dilated...and after a few pushes...I hear my husband announced so excitedly "It's a girl"!!!! I really am still in shock we have a daughter...remember I was convinced it was a boy.

Words cannot explain the completeness I feel for our little family now. She fits in perfectly it's like she was always meant to be here. Dalton is doing an amazing job as a big brother...he hasn't been too jealous...he just wants to be by her side holding her hand and giving her kisses all the time.

Remember all those worries I had about sharing my time with two kids and Dalton feeling jealous...I actually think having 2 children has made me a better mom. Really!!! I'm not worrying about my shows on TV or seeing what people are doing on facebook...I'm just focusing on spending time with my kids and husband. Dalton and I have decided that every night we will go for a bike ride or walk and just play in the back yard just the two of us. We started that tradition last night and we both loved it.

Oh and that husband of mine...can I tell you how amazingly awesome he is. This past week he has taken care of me and the kids...kept the laundry up...the dishes...cooking and letting me nap. I love him and fall more in love with him everyday seeing him interact with our children (we have 2 kids :) lol).

So...look forward to lots of new posts about these two adorable kids of mine! Thank you God for blessing me with this wonderful family!


Susan said...

What a perfect post for a beautiful family. You are blessed!

Rachel said...

Congrats again! She is beautiful. In one of the pictures I thought she resembled Rocky - who do you think she looks like?
And you are strong! I don't think I could have done it without pain medication if I had pitocin! Way to go! I'm all for the natural (as I'm sure you've noticed :) ).
Looking forward to hearing more about your family of four. Enjoy them. (And I too, rarely watch TV any more and have drastically cut back on FB.)

Audrey said...

YOU have a beautiful family too! Congratulations on your baby girl. If you need any help with nursing, let me know!

Anjanette/MommaYoung said...

Yay, Tiffy, I am so happy for you!!! So that pink dust I sent you worked, heheh. And what a beautiful baby girl...

37 weeks, that is me to with the last two, I'll see what this next one will do.

Congratulations, what a beautiful family.

I am so so happy for you.