Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My sleep deprived random ramblings...

I have been back to work since Monday and haven't figured out just yet if I'm coming or going. Getting two kids ready every morning driving them to two different locations and making sure I get to Sonic for my Route 44 energizer every morning then running to get both after work...and getting home and wanting nothing more than to give them both lots of attention has me wondering where in the world the day has gone. We haven't eaten dinner before 7 one night this week which equals Dalton not being in bed on time either. Like 45 minutes late every night. Then it's time to feed Sophie had her off to Rocky and attempt to get some sort of cleaning done. Cleaning ha yeah right...just the bare minimum has been accomplished so if you come over please do not look at my floors...the toilets or the piles of dust on everything...there.is.no.time.to.clean!!!

It's fall premier week on tv too! My poor DVR is plumb full...I promise DVR I'll get to you...you're just not that important right now (besides Vampire Diaries...I make time for you during that 1 a.m. feeding). Have I mentioned how much I love Vampire stuff lately! Those vamps from Mystic Falls are just as hot as Edward :)

Uh what else is going on?...Oh my son continues to crack me up every day. I know this is sooo not funny but last night he was mad at me for making him eat and called me a "butt-ear"...oh the lovely things he learns from school. I've never heard him call anyone a mean name before and couldn't help but laugh at him...probably not the most appropriate response but oh well :)

Oh and one last thing before I end this randomness I've totally failed at 30 Day Shred...I'm going to have to find time to get it in though...It's just gonna take me a few more days to get used to this crazy schedule.


Rachel said...

Welcome to life of not ever being able to get anything done - add a kid, get 90% less done! I've told myself, though, that nothing is as important as cherishing the time together, and being Mommy for them - so I'm trying to forget about how much I need to get done and spend more time on the floor with the boys just hanging out.

Susan said...

I promise - it gets easier.