Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not the post I wanted to write...

The post I wanted to write today said "Guess what I'm Pregnant and I heard my baby's heartbeat today"!!! But instead the post I'm writing today is...I was pregnant and today was the day I SHOULD have heard my baby's heartbeat. Three weeks ago I lost the second baby I've been desperately waiting to have. The baby I had already told ALL of my family and most of my closest friends about because I'd already had one healthy pregnancy with zero problems...so this one would be just like it. The baby that I had already told my 3 1/2 year old son and that he'd asked me everyday since I told him when I was going to get that baby out of my belly.

I know this is a pretty private topic and maybe I shouldn't be writing about it But I am. Why? Because I didn't realize before I had my miscarriage that sooooooooo many women like 1 in 3 pregnancies end in miscarriage. It wasn't until we went through this did I know that so many of my friends and acquaintances had had a miscarriage or two or three or seven of their own. Now just because is so common doesn't make it easier to deal with...it just lets you know you're not alone...and it IS nice having people around you who understand what you're dealing with. This is just to say...yes I've been there and I get it!!

I'm healing physically and emotionally. Rocky has been an awesome support system and at times I caught myself forgetting that he was going through the same thing as me just not physically. He is very aprehensive about trying to get pregnant again. But I know God has a plan for our family and if it's meant to be it WILL happen again.


Audrey said...

So sorry for your loss. You have every right to talk about your loss- here and everywhere- people need to know. I will gladly share this load with you.

Not Hannah said...

I came here via a Blogher link. I just want to say, even though you don't know me, that I'm sorry and I have been there. It's a hard, sad thing to go through. I'm sorry for your loss.

Anjanette Young said...

Oh you poor thing. I am hugging you with all my heart.

We just went through this on Sunday and it was horrifying. I am working on a post about it, but its just hard.

I thinking sharing with friends will help you heal.

Much Love, Anjanette

KansasA said...

Oh I'm so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you and your Husband, and your 3.5 yo too.
I have three healthy beautiful children but I will always remember my 3 AIH (angels in Heaven) I miscarried so long ago...

Tiffany said...

Thank you all for such kind words. They mean a ton to me. Anjanette I am so so sorry for your recent loss. I totally agree that sharing with your friends will make you heal. I couldn't imagine going through this without the love from my husband number one but my family and friends have helped so much too.

Donna @ Way More Homemade said...

Tiffany - I am so glad I wandered over here today. I don't know if you knew this about me, but I had two miscarriages after my daughter was born and before my son. It is so hard. I could go on and on but I shall stop and just simply say, "I'm so sorry." Feel free to email me any time.


Rachel said...

Oh, Tiffany... I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. And I'm sure that my blabbing about my own pregnancy is just salt in the wounds. I'm crying for you and I will have you in my prayers.

Yellow Beads said...

oh darn, sorry to hear this. Glad you shared so we can send happy thoughts and prayers your way!

Tiffany said...

Rachel~Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. Don't stop blabbing about your pregnancy. I am sooo excited for you and your family and I can't wait to see your new little baby boy or girl.

Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan Too said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to you!

MoDLin said...

I'm really sorry for your loss. I know how difficult this can be. I had a miscarriage 23 years ago and I still think of it from time to time.

My daughter had a baby and then two miscarriages each around 12 weeks. She found the March of Dimes bereavement kit helpful with understanding her emotions (http://www.marchofdimes.com/pnhec/572.asp) Happily for her she delivered her second daughter six months ago. I hope this will be true for you, too.

Sincere best wishes.

Unknown said...

I wish I could do something for you. I'm here if you need to talk!