My Grandpa was admitted into the hospital on Tuesday with what they thought was pneumonia now it could possibly be H1N1. As if that isn't enough for one person he's also been having chemo treatments for colon cancer meaning his immune system is already really weak. He only has 4 treatments left which they've said they will put off until this infection gets taken care of. We're not able to go see him because we CAN'T have anyone in our house getting sick right now. I did get to talk to him yesterday and he sounded like his spirits are up. It just worries the heck out of me. He is the best grandpa anyone could ever ask for! He has been the #1 man in my life my entire life (until Rocky and Dalton). Tell me how many grandpa's would lay in bed with their 2 year old grand-daughter and listen to Michael Jackson tapes...that's what I thought!
So if you pray...please say a little prayer for gramps and our family if you don't mind.
You know I'm praying! He has always adored you!!
Praying for your grandpa!
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