Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Friday, July 24, 2009

Foto Faces Friday!!!

Hey everyone I know I have been absent for about 2 weeks. But between work, the fair, hubby's work schedule, a three year old who's been testing mommy's patience and so much more I'm just pooped. However I'm easy back into this blogging world. More Wine Please one of my favorite blogs to read is hosting Foto Faces Friday and I decided to join in this week. Here is a picture of the 3 year old mentioned above at his first field trip with his daycare at a local farm.

Happy Friday everyone! Here's to a great weekend!


morewineplease said...

Thanks for joining lady! That is one sweet face!

greygillfish said...

Yeah for Foto Faces Friday. Shan had a great idea.

Very cute face you have posted. :)