Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well kinda...I mean I still have to work in the morning :(

It's been snowing here all day and all I want to do is go home and curl up on the couch with a good book...however I know I will be playing trains or cars or putting puzzles together...watching "All Dogs Go to Heaven" for 7856 time this week and I still haven't gotten to the library to pick up the next book I want to read. I'll be start the "House of Night" Series soon....and yes it's about Vampires too :) Speaking of my favorite vamps I pre-ordered New Moon yesterday and it should be here on March 24th and I'm totally having a view party that weekend!

On the movie note...Anyone have a suggestion for a movie for the hubs and I to go see for Valentine's Day or a few days before or after. We have a gift certificate to Fork and Screen if you haven't been you totally should! That is if you live in this area. I've been checking on movies and nothing has really grabbed my attention yet :( I mean our attention...cause I'm totally involving Rocky in this decision...right...he picked the last movie.

Tomorrow Dalton and I are going to see 1 2 3 Imagine Elmo and Friends with my sister in law and niece...we went last year and the kids loved it! I can Imagine I'll be suckered into drinks...popcorn...cotton candy and awesome souvenirs!!! Oh well it's fun and I love date day with my little man!

Sunday is going to be devoted to cleaning the darn house. I've had no energy all week and finally slept well last night after crashing with Dalton at 8:30 (tell me what other 4 year old has a Queen size bed so he can convince mom to sleep with him) actually it was the best night of sleep I've had in weeks...I think the change of scenery really helped!

Have a great weekend again TGIF!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Here's some awesome recipes you'll love...

The end of summer last year Dalton's preschool asked each parent to submit two recipes that the teaches would use for something at a later...well I was pleasantly surprised when each parent got a cookbook for Christmas with not only our recipes but also our childrens' recipes. Some of them are just too funny I thought I'd share a few.

First up Mr. Dalton:

My favorite meal that mommy makes is corn "With Pizza, plant it and pick it, Microwave for two minutes and then eat it"

C-My favorite meal that mommy makes is "Chicken Nuggets, you get some chicken and some sauce, put it on the stove for 90 minutes then cook it in the microwave for 90 minutes. Then put cinnamon on it to make it yummy with apples and bananas and strawberries. Put that in a bowl and stir it"

W-My favorite meal that mommy makes is "salsbury steak, Put it in the microwave at 100 degrees, cook, then let it cool down before you eat it. Not sure of the ingredients because it just comes in the package that way!"

G-My favorite meal that mommy makes is "Macaroni, get some cheese, with some meat on it and broccoli and corn on the stove for 10 seconds. Be careful it's hot and will make your mouth burnt"

Here's my lil Chef in all his cuteness helping me make brownie's last weekend.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Frugal Living

A couple of my blog peeps...who are actually peeps in know IRL have been posting on how to live more frugal. I have recently come across a blog Pays to Be Frugal. Kristen often has awesome deals each day. Now not all of them will apply to you but she does make some things easier. Each week you can find how to match up your coupons and get the best deals at Walgreens, CVS, Target, Dillons and so on....again all of these stores are applicable to all of us but it does help. So stop by and check it out.

BTW saved about $16 this morning on my phone bill by canceling our home long distance (we have unlimited on the cells) taking off 3-way calling (not sure why we had that anyway) and they gave me $5 off a month for 2 years just for being a long standing customer.

My TV obsession...I think I may need an intervention!

I have a few blog posts rolling around in my head right now...but unfortunately I have been so exhausted every night after working all day teaching aerobics and taking care of my family all I do when I get home is what I HAVE to do and then I spend quality time with my DVR.

Tonight for instance I will have three hours of shows recording...

The Bachelor Jake has been the king of letting girls go before Rose Ceremonies and tonight I guess he has two roses left and asks not to hand them out. Woohoo. I don't know ya'll this season seems like the most fake one yet to me however I will keep watching because that's what I do. Here are my fav's for Jake.
Ella--She's seems to be the most down to earth and she's a mom with an adorable 7 (I think) year old son. And Tenley--The most genuine heart on the show.

I'll also be watching "The Secret Life of An American Teenager" I know LAME but something about this show keeps me watching. My other addictions right now include, Desperate Housewives...after not watching a whole season I'm stuck on it again, Brothers and Sisters, Keeping Up With the Kardashians (I know again LAME), Teen Mom (LAME, LAME, LAME) and Vampire Diaries just came back on last week and I don't want it to every take a break again!!!!

Plus Next week you know what's back on? Lost for it's Final season. *snif snif*

OK so since you officially know that I'm Lame now...Happy Monday!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My favorite part of the day.

Is at night right before bed. Now don't get me wrong I love being woken up (should that be waken?) by my dear lil man on some morning and hear him say "Mommy I need you" yes he's 4 but he still needs mommy to come in his room before he gets out of bed. I love the alone time that he and I have in the morning getting ready for school and work it's some of our best conversation time...and I love the time after work I spend on my hands and knees playing with trucks and tractors and legos. But I really really love that time right before bed that my husband and I spend just talking...no tv...no little voices interupting our conversation just the two of us talking. Now mind you most of these late night chats usually start with a sentance like "Dalton said the funniest thing today" or "Can you believe how much he seems to have changed just this week" but it's still "our" time together.

What really makes me mad though is when he is on 3p.m. to 11p.m. shift and I have to stay up extra late to have this chat. But my awesome man totally switched shifts next week so no 3-11 for awhile.

Speaking of the statements from that 4 year old here are just a few.

Not getting his way..."I'm just gonna be grumpy"

Asking about his day at school yesterday..."why do we always have to talk about this"

When we walked in the door from school..."I was thinking I will go down stairs and play my new computer...did you think that too?"

And my favorite on his counting page out of a workbook for school that has 8 birds on it and we're asking him to point at them and count them for us..."you're not supposed to count these just color them"

Have a great hump day!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wordless (almost) Wednesday

I turned 4 Monday...this is me at my family birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. My mom hasn't had time to blog about it but she might tomorrow if we have a snow day!