My mind is going a thousand directions right now but it landed on one thing this morning. The sex of this baby. You see today was 28 week check up day. So the boys and I went into the dr. this morning (it's become a family affair) the kind doc was checking the heartbeat and said "wow he's moving around a lot" then said do we know if it's a he yet?" to which I replied "no" then she said do we want to know and again I said "nope"! So does this mean she knows and accidentally said that or was she just using "he" in general. So the question for you is do the ultra sound techs look for the sex even when you tell them you don't want to know and tell your doc in the report?
We do have another ultra sound next week...hopefully it's the last one...tomorrow is glucose test day and we are officially in the third trimester so that means doctors appointments every two weeks until 36 weeks! Hold of people it's getting so close!
I had to know with both my kids; the suspense was killing me!! HA.
Um, I hate to break it to you, but yes my doctor had a sheet from the scan. I remember seeing a check mark for the gender.
I believe that they check everything- heart, kidneys, spine, gender, etc.
I have no idea! All I know is that I am dying to find out... only a little over 2 weeks until we find out!
How exciting Tiff!
My doctor told me that she didn't know.... If you didn't want to know, they didn't write it down. At least my doctor, my hospital.... Maybe others do it differently.
Rachel that makes me feel better cause I think we have the same dr. and hospital ;)
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