Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House Chores...Why do I hate them sooo much?

Seriously if my house is a mess or dirty I feel like the walls are closing in on me and I start to loose concentration and the only way to get the mess clean is by turning up one of my fav CD's and just going to work.

My least favorite chores are: laundry, emptying the dishwasher, mopping, any cleaning in the bathroom, vacuuming, dusting, ok...so I hate it all!!!

The one and only thing I enjoy is folding Dalton's clothes...always have and will until he starts getting bigger. I just love folding his tiny little socks...lil boy whitey tighties...jeans and hanging up those tiny lil shirts. Yes he's three and his clothes are getting bigger but not too big. I mean the kid wears everything from 18 mths to 3 T. I kind of miss those baby days when we would go through 4 outfits or more a day...it was relaxing just to sit on the couch and fold his little laundry.

So if you would like to volunteer to clean my house (because I have no money to pay for such a service) please...come on over...but stay away from my baby's clothes!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok so this week I did not call my mom without my husband knowing and asked her to bring down a box of old High School pictures that I knew had a bunch of old love letters and a gazillion pictures of my high school sweet heart. I did not just set the boxes on my dresser hoping my husband wouldn't wonder what they were and go through them. I was not upset when I found out he took them to work with him and went through both boxes including every letter. Nope I didn't care...I was not embarrassed...I was not furious that he then threw them away without me reading or looking at any of them. I most certanly did not dig them out of the trash dumpster just to prove a point. Nope I always give in. I did not enjoy the fact that he decided to sleep on the couch for two nights...I did not enjoy having a lot of queen size bed all to myself.

I am not embarrassed that I just spilled this whole story all over the internet. This event did not remind me that I am one lucky woman who has a helluva husband!

I was not so giddily excited about a date night with my husband Wednesday night to see his favorite band AC/DC. Nope hate their music. We did not just hang out at the latest nightlife spot before the concert at a cool lounge bar/bowling alley and drink beer and enjoy each others company. We hate alone time. The concert was not absolutley amazing...and I didn't dance around not caring what other people thought of me. It was not the most wonderful night we've had together in a love time. Just look at us...
Lovers for Life

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Ball Fashion!

Now...I'm not going to express my political views on this blog...but I am however going to express my fashion views of the Inaugural Ball.

Winner in my mind between Michelle Obama and Jill Biden.....

Jill Biden

Michelle...I'm not saying your dress wasn't lovely...IT WAS!!! But it should have been worn at some beach wedding this summer.

I was also not a fan of her attire at the actual inauguration...

Now...we can all agree that Michelle Obama is a gorgeous woman...and look at those fit arms!!!

Just one woman's opinion...what did you think?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why me Mr. Zit?

Dear Mr. Zit

Why did you find it necessary to pop up on my cheek this morning...the day before the AC/DC concert? Do you not remember that last week was that time of the month? Not only did you appear out of nowhere but you're not small...at all!!!!Do you realize that you're making my cheek look double it's size? Why me...why today? Is it because I haven't been drinking all 8 of my glasses of water every day...Is it because I'm horribly stressed at work and just can't seem to get ahead and my A.D.H.D is getting the best of me.

I know...you can't answer why...

But could you please magically disappear before tomorrow night? I would really appreciate my generally clear skin back for this fun date night with my hubs.

Thank you! Sincerely

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I haven't done one of these since the first time I did it so...here we go again.

I did not spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on the internet last week and failed to get all of my laundry done. No those were not piles of dirty close in my basement and I most certainly did not just look in the dresser drawers to make sure everyone had clean jeans and then decided not to walk my lazy butt downstairs to do laundry.

Speaking of that laundry...I did not let my son sleep in my bed because as I said I was not too lazy to walk downstairs to get his clean sheets that were folded on top of the dryer. I did not lay there and pray that Dalton didn't pee in my bed!

I was not so over caffeinated (because I'm losing weight ya know) that I couldn't fall asleep Friday night and got like two hours of sleep before I went to work at 5 a.m. Nope I had a great looooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg night of sleep. It was so peaceful!

I am not looking foward to a date night with Rocky wednesday night when we go see AC/DC! You know we get to spend lots of alone time with eachother. We are not looking forward to just being Rocky and Tiffany for a night.

And No Right know I am not posting this post ( :) ) instead of using my gazelle!

Happy Monday!

Honest Scrap Award

Thank you to one of my new favorite bloggers Another Online Mom (Jen) for the Honest Scrap Award!!!

Here's the dealio...The honorees are to:
A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!

B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spiritof the Honest Scrap.

  1. I can't stand the sight of ketchup...on a plate...sitting in my sink. Grosses me out big time!
  2. I am a horrible parent and give in to my sons almost every want...
  3. I'm a total radio nerd and turn up the volume on the radio if I run across a station with dead air.
  4. I could do step aerobics all day long! Seriously! I love to step. Forget running though...not for me.
  5. I'm a total texture freak and could never put a frozen wash rag in my sons mouth when he was teething because of the thought of that texture in my mouth would almost make me barf.
  6. I have a box of old love letters and notes from friends from high school that I'm going to go through this week and read one last time before I throw them away for good.
  7. I like to dip french fries in ice cream. (well I used to before I was trying to lose weight)
  8. Loretta Lynn is my favorite singer of all time.
  9. I don't allow my husband to do any of the grilling...he's a habitual flipper.
  10. I hate the way I looked on my wedding day. Who's idea was it to go back to blonde that week.
Now on to the new recipients.
  1. Shannon
  2. Stacey
  3. Our Happy Nest
  4. Donna
  5. Hula
  6. Hollie
  7. Katie
Have fun with it ladies!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I was wondering....

When the hell is spring coming??

Are you ready for some football?

We (The Kansas City Chiefs) finally have a new GM who might actually be worth something. Sorry Carl Peterson. NOT!!! You sucked anyway, the wait is on now. Will he or won't he fire head coach Herm Edwards? I think he should.

I'm not going to pretend to know a lot about football...but i do know that I love supporting the hometown team and I love watching me some football with the hubby cause it makes him feel like I "get" something he enjoys.

Back to Coach Edwards. Before you came along we had a pretty decent football team. I mean in my minds almost great...we just had a little stage shock when it came to play-off time. But then you started getting rid of our great players! When we sent Jared Allen on his way...well that was the last straw for me. While I supported the players and the team...I did not support you Herm!

So Scott Pioli make us proud...get us back in the game...GIT RID OF HERM!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Free Shampoo

Today only get a free bottle suave. http://www.suave.com/nomics/index.html

Swimming in January...who gave him that idea?

So this morning as I was listening to the radio and hearing the weather report that the temperature would be dropping all day with wind chills expected to be in the negatives the next couple of days I started to talk to Dalton about warmer days.

Me: I can't wait for spring and summer.

D: Why?

M: Cause we get to play outside and go for walks and other fun stuff

D: What else?

M: BBQ...ride bikes...go fishing and camping

D: What else?

M: Go Swimming...

D: I want to go swimming now.

M: We can't it's too cold outside...come on get dressed time for school.

D: But I want to go swimming.

M: Maybe if you're good and don't have any accidents we can go to the indoor pool.

Pull into daycare parking lot and the crying starts...

D: I want to go swimming

M: Well don't have any accidents today and no time outs and we'll go swimming tonight.

Did I mention it should be like 15 degrees when I get off work. I'm really hoping there is at least one time out today...or he forgets he wants to go swimming.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What Do Men Blog About?

I'm not sure why this question popped into my head last night. I was browsing through the blogs from the girls on SITS and you know we all blog about...our kids...our jobs...our houses...decorating...saving money...cooking...Losing Weight...and on and on and on. But what do men blog about? So this weekend during nap time (the hubby is working or there's no way I'd get that much time on the PC) I'm going to search for some male blogs. I probably don't want to know what they're saying...but I could be fun.

This has been a looooooooonnnnnnnnng week!!! Sunday is my sister's baby shower!!! Yay! Miss Aleah Maria only has three and half more weeks til her arrival is due. Unless she takes lessons from her cousin Dalton and shows up three weeks early! However lil sis was dilated on Tuesday so...hopefully she stays and cooks a little longer.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 5, 2009

He's Three!!!! My Baby is Three!!!

So I had planned on having a post all ready Sunday morning...but that just didn't happened...Don't you know I only fit blogging in during my lunch hour from work :(

Sunday at 6:08 a.m. Dalton Lyle turned 3 years old...and that night when is snuggled on my lap after a long day I about cried at the thought of my baby growing up.

I could post about the crazy day of pictures Saturday or the awesome birthday party with all of the family but instead I want to write about the star of the show.

Three years seems so long ago...when we welcomed this beautiful baby boy into the world. He's always been a little guy...most of the kids in his class a daycare tower over him...but this year he did grow 3 inches and is now 3 ft and 1/2 an inch tall. He's gained about 4 pounds all year long.

My little man is really turning into a little man...he loves trucks and tractors (green and yellow)...hot wheels cars (we have like 130 of them) and he's a die hard mommy's boy.

After Swimmin A Man needs to mow the yard

He loves to be read to but also loves to read to mommy and daddy. He knows all the words to "My Dog's The Best" and even turns the book around so we can see the pictures so we can seem them and says "see guys"!

Just cleaning out the toy box )

Dalton your willingness to argue over everything from what socks you wear to what bowl you eat your cereal out of to what toys can sleep with you in bed is cute in it's own way and we love seeing your personality start to really form. But that terrific three attitude is gonna get you lots of time outs if you don't start to cool it a bit. And who-ever taught you to say "GOSH" should be punished.

I'm excited to see you grow this next year...but not too fast ok? Mommy's not really read for a big boy. This year you'll move into the no parents help swimming lessons...you'll start pre-school in the fall and I'm sure you'll continue on becoming more independent :(

Happy Belated Birthday Dalton! Thank you for being Mommy's ray of sunshine :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I Won My FIRST Blogging Award! The Lemonade Award!!!!

Tonight after a very long day of getting ready for the big birthday party tomorrow I set down to do my nightly myspace and email checking and blog ready...when I got a comment on a recent post from Jolene at The Little Things In Life saying I had won an award and to check her blog! I can't tell you how stinkin' excited I was!!!! Yay!!! Thank you Jolene you have made me day!!!

So the award is THE LEMONADE AWARD!!!

Here is the scoop...This award is for people who have a positive outlook on life no matter what the circumstance.

The rules of this award for recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

So here are my nominees...(I got six of the 10)

1.) Jenn @ The Coupon Coup
2.) Beth @ C. Beth Blog
3.) Rachel @ A New Mommy's Blog
4.) A Belle And Her Beau
5.) Katie @ Excerpts From the Mind of a Crazed Overachiever more...
6.) Lyndsay @ I Used to Be Witty

Friday, January 2, 2009

I can't even think I'm so tired

This is where I want to be...

No It's not my bed...but it looked comfy. I'm so tired!!!!

My son is three (well will be on Sunday) but you'd think the sleepless nights were behind us (unless of course we ever have another baby). Anyway...I went to be at like 11 p.m. last night. I'm generally a 10 p.m. to 5:45 kind of girl. However yesterday I spent the whole day cleaning for the upcoming party Sunday. Fixing a turkey and then we had my grandparents over for dinner. I was exhausted to say the least. So I'm sleeping like a baby...having a really weird dream about the KC Chiefs and KC Royals...when I hear "mommy...mommy" from the end of my bed. So I tell him to go to the bathroom and he could get into bed with daddy and I. Well that created a HUGE melt down. How dare I ask him to go to the bathroom so he won't pee in my bed. Finally I get him calmed down into my bed...I'm in the middle :( When he starts wiggling around and pushing me further over on Rocky's side it's just no comfortable. So I take him back to his bed and tell him to stay there hugs and kisses see you in the morning. 10 Minutes later he's back...this time I decide to just lay in the race car bed with him. (Not my kid in the bed)

So I'm all scunched up in this contraption when he starts poking my eyes, my ears...rubbing my arm and then sitting up and looking at me. This went on for I don't know how long we he told me his ear hurt. So we got up gave tylenol went to the bathroom and laid down on the couch by this time it was 5 a.m....and the next thing I knew it was 5:45 and Rocky was standing over me telling me to wake up :(

Sleep!!! I need sleep!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

Hope you rang in the new year having fun and being safe. We won't go into my uneventful night! Today I'm am working on those new years resolutions because this is my year!

Anywho...I've already started my control journal for flylady...fought the temptation of leftover candy...and decided not to get rid of my Tony Little Gazelle...and fought the temptation to go shopping. I am proud of myself...Can't wait to see the results!

If your Resolution was to lose weight please check out my weight loss blog Losing It One Pound At A Time my friend Shannon posted her weight loss story and for me it's very motivating because she weighed about what I weight now and is currently holding steady at my goal weight.