Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions

Ok...2009 has got to be the year of change for me...Here is the list.

1.) Lose these stinking 30 pounds. Not just for my health but for my son to have an active mom...for my husband to have an attractive wife.

Do you want to lose weight too? Join me at my new blog We'll lose it together. Enjoy posts from some of my friends about their weight loss and how they have kept it off. Wanna share your Weight Loss story too? Email me at daltons.mommy@yahoo.com

2.) Keeping my house clean...instead of utter Chaos all the time. How will I do this? With the help of Flylady of course. Last summer I actually started the process but then it just went out the window. I hate doing weekend cleaning extravaganzas. I don't want to have to dread if somebody drops by! This resolution includes getting the hubby and 3 year old son to pick up after themselves too!

3.) Saving money AGAIN!!!! Christmas just did me in!!! I'm so thankfull that my husband and I have seperate accounts. He would die if he saw how much we spent on Christmas and Birthdays in December and January. I already have my new budget in place now it's sticking with it!

4.) Being a better friend. Since becoming a parent I haven't been the best at picking up the phone and calling my friends and family. Somehow I need to make time for that again!

Good luck with those New Years Resolutions!!! Don't forget to join me on the weight loss blog!


Jenn said...

You could have written my list, Tiffany! ALL of those things are on my list for the year...it seems sort of daunting, doesn't it?

In particular I feel the need to better connect with my friends...to be a better friend. We get so absorbed in our daily lives that we forget..or put it off and time flies by.

I've been a huge fan of FlyLady since our days on BBC when we were pregnant! Huge fan and active participant are two different things though it seems :) I need to dust off the Control Journal!

We did Lilli's birthday this year since it was her first...but we have decided to do "half" birthday parties for our kids from now on...Lilli in June and Brendan in July...so they can spread out their fun a little bit. We will just do family dinner and 1 present for B on his birthday this year...then Deanna Rose for his party this summer!

Good Luck to us both in the New Year!

Anonymous said...

I didnt know you do Flylady, I love her. Been attempting to grow wings since Autumn was born 9 years ago. LOL Anyway we should orginize a Fly fest around here!!!! ~Mel

Tiffany said...

I'm not a very good flybaby but I'm working on it! Mel I think you should start blogging. It's addicting!

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