Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok so this week I did not call my mom without my husband knowing and asked her to bring down a box of old High School pictures that I knew had a bunch of old love letters and a gazillion pictures of my high school sweet heart. I did not just set the boxes on my dresser hoping my husband wouldn't wonder what they were and go through them. I was not upset when I found out he took them to work with him and went through both boxes including every letter. Nope I didn't care...I was not embarrassed...I was not furious that he then threw them away without me reading or looking at any of them. I most certanly did not dig them out of the trash dumpster just to prove a point. Nope I always give in. I did not enjoy the fact that he decided to sleep on the couch for two nights...I did not enjoy having a lot of queen size bed all to myself.

I am not embarrassed that I just spilled this whole story all over the internet. This event did not remind me that I am one lucky woman who has a helluva husband!

I was not so giddily excited about a date night with my husband Wednesday night to see his favorite band AC/DC. Nope hate their music. We did not just hang out at the latest nightlife spot before the concert at a cool lounge bar/bowling alley and drink beer and enjoy each others company. We hate alone time. The concert was not absolutley amazing...and I didn't dance around not caring what other people thought of me. It was not the most wonderful night we've had together in a love time. Just look at us...
Lovers for Life


Anonymous said...

That is nuts, I just emailed my old sweetie in hopes that my DH doesn't find out...it was innocent, about exercise(he is is a personal trainer). I have a mommy blog it is http://amotherswalk.com

Anjanette Young said...

You guys are just about the cutest couple.

Some times its nice to take a moment from our hectic life and realize what wonderful people we have around us.

Thanks for stopping by :o)

Rachel said...

Apparently Rocky wasn't your high school sweetheart like I though he was, then.....
My b/f from high school has been trying get back in touch with me on Facebook. I gave him the (in my sister's words) F-off (Declined friend request). Just kinda creeps me out that he's married and has three girls and is trying to reconnect with me. (He kind of stalked me last time he was home, which further creeps me out.)
However, trips down memory lane are fun - I am going through old pictures and letters, and I kept some letters from guys I had crushes on that I'm still good friends with. (the ex's letters I burned years ago.)

Tiffany said...

We started dating not quite a month after graduation. It will be 9 years this June...crazy stuff there!