Dalton and Sophie's Mommy

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A baby Story-Aleah Marie

Yesterday something amazing happened. My sister became a mother! And I got to witness the birth of my amazing lil niece! Wow! And at that moment I was reminded of how awesome God truly is.

The story began at 2:30 a.m. on Tuesday February 9th...and the 2nd chapter hit at 2:08 p.m. when a beautiful little girl with a head full of thick hair came into the world weight 7 lbs 9 oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

I was with my sister from 3:45 a.m. all the way through the delivery and let me tell you...I was just as proud being there for her and with her as I was the day Dalton was born. It was so cool to be on the coaching side instead of the pushing side. As you could imagine I shed just about as many tears too.

I had no idea what to expect considering my labor and delivery was faster than it takes most people to shower...blow dry their hair...straighten or curl put make up on AND drive to work. But I knew that when my sister said a few months back that she wanted me there I had to bring my strong game.

My sister was amazing...she was so strong when you could tell she just wanted to let the pain take over her! She even kept a since of humor during the roughest contractions and in between pushes. I hated seeing her in pain...it hurt me so badly. Every time the doctor told her to hold her breath and push I held my breath.

Welcome to the world Aleah Marie...you have an amazing mommy! I am so proud of my two favorite gals!!! Thanks sis for allowing me to be apart of it all.

Babies change your world...they remind you what life is all about! Go kiss those babies good night...no matter how old they are!


Yellow Beads said...

oh how wonderful to be there to see it all!

Jolene said...

Congratulations to your sister and to you too New Auntie!

Anjanette Young said...

Congratulations Auntie!!

Stacey Shafer said...

I LOVE BEING AN AUNT!!!! Congratulations!

Hollie said...

Aww, congrats to your sis and welcome aleah marie! having a child is an amazing experience...so very precious!